TruckFarm — decoration
Winter Wonders : Forcing Bulbs to Reveal the Beauty Within
bulbs Christmas decoration flowers germination gift kids paperwhites Strathcona 1890 Urban Seed Project Urban Seeds Vancouver
This is a shot taken on January 9 of the first blooms from a Paperwhite bulb started just before New Years. We have a Paperwhites collection but you can also force Amaryllis, Hyacinth, Tulips, and Daffodils. For those of you who have never forced bulbs before this is probably the easiest garden project you will ever try. Usually bulbs being sold for forcing come ready to go - often they will even start sprouting in the package! This eliminates the need for a rooting period (12-15 weeks of cold storage). Paperwhites are tender members of the daffodil (narcissus) family. To force...