Some of you may already know that the Truck Farm was launched with the help of a Small Neighbourhood Green Grant from the Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver. The Vancouver Foundation recently touted the Truck Farm as one of their successes. To that end we were invited to Vancouver City Hall to meet the mayor.
So, thinking that maybe I can get a picture of the mayor with the Truck Farm, I get up at the crack of dawn to wash the truck and top up the oil (one of the perks of an old truck). I make sure to get to City Hall early (those of you who know me get what a feat this is!) and find an almost perfect parking spot right near the doors.
It becomes clear to me that the chances of getting a shot with the mayor are pretty slim unless we can find a way to get the Truck Farm to the third floor council chambers. But, we do some meet and great, listen to stories from other grant recipients and sit through what seems like hours of agenda items to see how things will play out. Ethan, the youngest Bean Counter on the Truck farm Team team hands out cards like an old pro.
Finally, it is time for the photo. So who ends getting their picture with the mayor???