Help Drive Vancouver's Truck Farm
growing food healthy vegetable kids lettuce miniature white cucumbers non-GMO open-pollinated seeds Strathcona 1890 Swiss Chard truck farm Urban Seed Project Urban Seeds Vancouver
If you already know & love the Truck Farm Because we are still expanding our retail reach, seed sales alone are not able to cover the costs of keeping the Truck Farm on the road so we have put together an Indiegogo campaign to help cover the costs. There are lots of great perks that we created for this campaign so they are not available anywhere else. We have even put together a Truck Farm tour for any hardy individuals who would like to have a tour of various Urban Farms in Vancouver (or we could just go for a...
We just got new license plates, need we say more?
chives GMO growing food healthy vegetable kids lettuce non-GMO open-pollinated seeds Strathcona 1890 truck farm Urban Seed Project Urban Seeds Vancouver
Actually yes, I think we should say more. Much more. When I applied to get these plates a couple weeks ago, I really did not think they would be available and came up with multiple alternate plates for the application. I got my top choice. I figure there are a few possible reasons for this. There are angels looking out for me that really want to help me succeed (this would be great because it would mean the 14 hour days will finally start paying off!) I am way ahead of the curve on the GMO issue Not enough people...
Truck Farm meets the mayor of Vancouver! (well almost...)
growing food kids seeds Strathcona 1890 truck farm Urban Seed Project Urban Seeds Vancouver
Some of you may already know that the Truck Farm was launched with the help of a Small Neighbourhood Green Grant from the Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver. The Vancouver Foundation recently touted the Truck Farm as one of their successes. To that end we were invited to Vancouver City Hall to meet the mayor. So, thinking that maybe I can get a picture of the mayor with the Truck Farm, I get up at the crack of dawn to wash the truck and top up the oil (one of the perks of an old truck). I make...
Grow fast and easy microgreens year round
Green thumbs not required, just opposable ones. You can grow and harvest small batches of microgreens on your windowsill for fresh picked greens throughout the long winter months. Microgreens are tender and tangy lettuce and mustard greens that are usually harvested when they are barely a few weeks old. They are basically at the growth stage between sprouts and baby greens. This short growth span that makes microgreens possible to produce on even the darkest windowsills through the dingiest months of the year. And since the plants only need to be kept alive for a few weeks even the most beginner seed...
Not your usual suspects
Antohi Peppers Atomic Red Carrots Black Spanish Radishes Christmas gift growing food healthy vegetable kids Pattypan Squash Red Malabar Climbing Spinach Strathcona 1890 Striped Cavern Tomatoes tomatoes
We just launched a new collection. In fact, it is so new only one store has even seen it. We will, however have it for sale at the Last Chance Craft Fair at the Croatian Cultural Centre in Vancouver on December 23. Talk about just in time for Christmas. So for anyone looking for a gift for the gardener who thinks they have everything, here is your chance to show them something new. The collection has Red Malabar Climbing Spinach, Black Spanish Radishes, Striped Cavern Tomatoes, Atomic Red Carrots, Pattypan Squash and Antohi Peppers. Seriously, there is nothing like it.